Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gap time

Wow, where did eight weeks go? Not that the handful of people who follow my blog have been waiting with bated breath for a new posting, but, seriously. I've been slacking.

It has been almost two months since my last blog post, and it is probably a good thing that, in terms of single parenthood (during the weekdays), there is nothing new to report.

Now, I will say that the last week and a half was a delicious exception, because Glen was home. He insisted on being back down in Southern California for Halloween, not only to see the kids in their adorable costumes, but also to partake of our wonderful neighbor's Eight-Alarm chili that we share together every Halloween night. Then, just a few days after that, he had meetings in Palm Springs for Harvey Mudd College, more events for their alumni board on November 7, and then we both had the annual fundraiser for the kids' school on November 9.

Suffice it to say that when Glen packed up his trusty old truck on Sunday afternoon and hit the road for the Bay area, the house was notably emptier after having relished 11 days of daddy and hubby time.

We're coming upon the two year mark of Glen joining Facebook, and of me embarking upon this weekday single parenthood adventure. If you'd asked me two years ago how long this arrangement would last, I would have answered, "one and a half years, tops." Now, here we are, and neither Glen nor I see any change in our arrangements in the near future.

But definitely one thing that I have hugely benefited from in Glen being gone most days of the week is a true and pure appreciation for all that Glen is and all that he gives to our family. The life of the household just hums just a little better when he's home. Everyone is just a bit more mellow and relaxed (at least, I think we are). When he's gone, he is very missed, but when he comes home, we are so grateful.

Next week, we are spoiled again for another marathon of Glen/Daddy time, as we're traveling to Pittsburgh to visit my brother and his family to take in a Steeler's game, and to also visit friends in Ohio. Then it's back to LAX on Thanksgiving Day and up to Monterey, where we'll spend three more blissfully unstructured days with my dear friend from college.

I have it pretty good.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!