Saturday, April 16, 2011

Deep thoughts at 1:00 a.m.

Looking over my blog history, I see that I have not posted anything - ANYTHING - for three weeks now. It's not that copious stories, anecdotes, and funny happenings worth sharing have not happened; it's just that finding or setting aside the time to record them in this blog has been difficult.

Thus inspiring the topic for this evening's blog post: "If I had an extra hour in every day, I would ..."

I am quite certain that our domestic situation here on Lordsburg Court has not created any additional challenges to my personal time management habits. To the contrary, I seem to lately be in the habit of creating more work for myself during the weeknights when it's just the kids and me at home. Rather than going to bed at a decent hour, I plop myself in front of my cute red laptop and start, as I call it, "farting around" on the web. What am I searching for? New opportunities for a part-time, home-based business.

These late-night explorations for that "perfect" opportunity have provided me with quite an education. I've quickly learned that any advertisements for "copy-and-paste" or "instant wealth in five clicks of the mouse" are pretty much bogus. I've learned that it's easy to create a website, but difficult to get it ranked highly in most search engines. I've learned new terminology, such as "search engine optimization (SEO)," "Clickbank," "affiliate marketing," and "back links." I've discovered that in my quest to establish some sort of cottage industry, the one niche - the one issue or topic about which I am truly passionate - is motherhood.

As most of my fellow mommies will attest, motherhood is not really a money-making industry, and I tend to think that it shouldn't be. But there must be information, resources, ideas, inspirations, and assistance for which moms, like me, are in the hunt.

The mere fact that I am even searching for new opportunities to expand both my professional and economic foundation bring up a whole host of issues that my fellow mommies and I deal with on a daily basis: work-life balance; finding happiness in the small things; valuing quality over quantity; celebrating childhood; being okay with "good enough;" paying the mortgage/credit card bills; perspective  ... the list goes on.

So, I will keep up my late-night searches, with a mind open to new ideas and ears always listening for the soft, sweet voices of David and Elizabeth who may require my late-night assistance or cuddle. And, when this happens, I'll once again be reminded that the most important cottage industry I could ever invest in, and the one that I am currently THE BEST at, is being David and Elizabeth's mommy.

I promise that the next blog post will capture more silliness and mayhem. Remind me to tell you about the running list of "Elizabethan Quotes" and "BUGZ."

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