Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Internet marketing

Today, I am going to use my blog/bully pulpit for something I've really never done before: promote something.

Those of you who may also have been tracking my Facebook postings know that during the past week, I've posted several links to a new on-line seminar that has been developed by Chuck Goetschel, a good friend to Glen and me, and husband to my long-time buddy and former Job's Daughter's sister, Wendy.

Chuck is truly an inspiring person. When Glen and I first met him, I asked him about his line of work, what his background was, and so on. I was so impressed with his reply: "At heart, I'm really a purpose-driven entrepreneur."

The program that he's compiled consists of 25 individuals from around the globe who are experts in such matters as internet marketing, personal branding, life coaching, and such. This on-line seminar (or academy, if you will) is designed to get people thinking about what they are passionate about, and how they might turn their passions into a lucrative career.

The videos that have been previewed on the website for this program are absolutely, truly wonderful. I'm pretty sure you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't be saying this if I were not truly impressed.

Therefore, I've agreed to help Chuck and Wendy market this new adventure that they are pursuing.

While I don't expect anyone who reads my blog to instantly go out and invest in this course, I would be grateful if you'd pass this information along to others whom you think might be interested. Do you have friends or neighbors who are seeking employment, trying to identify their next career move, or are looking for inspiration to do something new and different with their lives? How about recent or soon-to-be college graduates?

Personally, I am making the investment to complete this program. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'd love to have friends join me so that we can compare notes, discuss the materials off line, and bounce ideas off each other.

Anyhoo ... if you are curious, here is the link to the Personal Passion Formula Academy (yes, the URL is strange looking, but just go with it ...)

Thanks for reading, everyone! If you have ideas for leads, do let me know!

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